Friday, May 22, 2009


I have been reflecting the past couple of days on the fact that I don't make it a habit to say nice things to the people I like the most. Unfortunately, the only way to learn that lesson is by hurting someone close to you.

If I were to suddenly pay compliments from time to time, how would people react? Wouldn't I sound insincere, even when I meant what I was saying? Would people think I wanted something from them?

The answer, "Don't worry about the details, just do it" came in the mail today.

I recently became aware of a ministry that houses children in Africa and tries to find adoptive homes for them. Recent government action has greatly increased their need for donations.

Several weeks ago, I gave them a little money through their website. I was surprised when I didn't get an autoreply e-mail, but I was sure that meant I would be getting a thank you card.

What I got was a letter thanking me for my support, explaining their current situation and their gratitude, that was so heartfelt and written with such care, that I could not help but be impressed.

Today was over the top.

I received a card with a hand written note from the director of the ministry and a group photo of all children at the house in Africa.

That small gesture didn't change the amount of appreciation the workers or the children felt, but it magnified the appreciation I felt.

I am going to send more support, but I will also take a minute and tell them how impressed I am with their ministry, their ethics and their work, and try to show them some of the appreciation they have shown me.

And as I come in contact with people, I will try to remember how much small kindnesses mean. People can't read minds, they need to be told how important they are. Kind words are easy to give, and matter so much to the people who receive them.

If you run into me somewhere, and I say something nice to you, I really do mean it. And if I don't say something, please understand that I probably meant to; I just am not very good at it yet.

To all of my underappreciated friends, I am sorry.
